Whoopie Pies

2 Dozen


Baker's Assortment

*Assortment may contain nuts. *Assortment does not include our sugar-free cookies.

Select this assortment and let our baker choose the best four flavors of the day.

Assortment A

An assortment of favorites. *Assortment contains nuts.

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
Triple Chocolate 
Oatmeal Raisin
Peanut Butter 

Assortment B

An assortment of favorites. *Assortment contains nuts.

Chunky Chocolate
Peanut Butter
Oatmeal Cranberry Nut

No Nut Assortment

Chunky Chocolate
Double Chocolate
Oatmeal Raisin

No Chocolate Assortment

*Assortment contains nuts.

Oatmeal Cranberry Nut
Peanut Butter
Oatmeal Raisin

Holiday Assortment

*Assortment contains nuts.

Salted Caramel Chunky Chocolate
Honey Nut Raisin
Chunky Chocolate

Product Details


2 Dozen – Assortment will include all the flavors listed above, or select a single flavor from the list.

Packaged in our classic GOLD BOX and individually wrapped, this all-American favorite features two moist cake-style bobb cookies, which are stuffed with a sweet, creamy filling and are offered in a variety of flavors. (WHOOPIE) (WHOOPIE*)

Additional information

Whoopie Pies

Chocolate With Vanilla Cream, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Whoopie Pie Assortment, Red Velvet

Specialty Ribbon Selection

Happy Birthday Ribbon, Merry Christmas Ribbon, Season's Greetings Ribbon, Standard Plaid Ribbon, Thank You Ribbon


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